Agents Compliance

Cambridge Education Group attaches great importance to continuous improvement of the quality of service to our customers and clients, as well as ensuring our businesses are fully compliant within relevant regulatory bodies’ requirements. We have therefore, formalised our Agent Management Policy.

As stipulated in the Responsibilities of the Representative section of the International Representative agreement for educational agencies, we expect CEG recognised educational agencies to offer professional services to our students and parents as well as to co-operate fully with CEG and its colleges within the relevant legal and educational framework.

Monitoring of Agents

CEG conducts regular Agents’ Performance Reviews.

The Agent’s performance will be measured and monitored across the various matters set out below in addition to taking a holistic approach and view to the overall relationship:

  1. Quality and accuracy of knowledge and representation of CEG programmes
  2. Quality of student support provided, especially visa application support
  3. Quality of applications, student proposals, completeness of applications
  4. Any credibility or integrity issues (including submission of fraudulent documents with applications)
  5. Effectiveness and quality of screening (Academic and English ability) of prospective applicants for CEG programmes
  6. Overall applications – volume and conversion rates from Application to Enrolled status
  7. CEG Compliance assessment rejections rates and rejection reasons
  8. Visa Refusal rates – potential or actual
  9. Non-Enrolment rates – post offer
  10. Completion rates
  11. Academic performance of the students (Pass rates)
  12. Progression rates (for iCAS only)
  13. Required levels of CEG assistance – where necessary (e.g. in the event of queries regarding a student’s location or immigration status; assisting CEG in ensuring students are safe and in compliance with their visa conditions at all times).

Action against under-performing agents

Cambridge Education Group will take action against its Agents which have performance issues or have been found to, i.e.

  • Provide fraudulent or falsified documentation, or misrepresent any student’s personal information; this includes ensuring appropriate invigilation environments for pre-arrival tests taken on behalf of Cambridge Education Group;
  • Continuous poor performance in areas as described above, for example high visa refusal rates suggesting poor support to students when applying for visas (we note that CEG will always first seek to support and educate its representatives as to the necessary processes to follow to ensure success);
  • Withhold money received from students or from Cambridge Education Group without good reason. Equally Cambridge Education Group will seek to reward positive performance with a higher level of support for its accredited agents who perform well against the criteria above.

The actions Cambridge Education Group will take against Agents will be proportionate commensurate to the seriousness of the performance of offence ranging from

  • A visit from the local CEG Representative to discuss steps to improve performance to
  • An official Warning or Suspension Letter from CEG to
  • Contract Termination by CEG

Cambridge Education Group seeks to work with all its Agents on a continuous improvement basis. Our hope and expectation is that those we choose to work with will take advantage of the continuous training available to them through our Sales Team and central Compliance and Admissions teams. In doing so, we hope that no Agent will require the above detailed interventions or actions.